
unter Mitarbeit von

Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo

Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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  • = Jean É., THE ‘ḪILANI’: A LATE BRONZE AGE AMUQ-CILICIAN OR SYRO-CILICIAN ARCHITECTURAL TRADITION? (‘Ḫilani’: Bir Geç Tunç Çağ’ı Amuq-Kilikia veya Syro-Kilikia Mimari Geleneği?), in: OLBA 29 77-108. [Abstract: (...) After reviewing the different uses of the term “ḫilani” in the scholarly literature, as well as the features that characterize it as an architectural form, the ḫilani of Kinet Höyük is presented in its archaeological context. As an important administrative building (hypothetically the seat of a political authority representing the state of Kizzuwatna), it is then suggested that the ḫilani of Kinet Period 15C originates from a north Syrian cultural influence. Conversely, the sudden appearance of Hittite-related pottery in Kinet Period 15C suggests that the economy of Kizzuwatna was under a certain degree of Hittite control. Economic and strategic interests would have therein motivated the establishment of such a Hittite maritime outpost in Kizzuwatna, while the Hittite diplomatic skills would explain the success of this takeover. Thus, the ḫilani of Kinet Period 15C would have served as an architectural expression of this diplomacy and recall a period in which the Hittite king was politically strong. In the second half of the 16th century BCE, the most likely royal candidate who embodied the requisite qualities would be Telipinu (according to the Middle Chronology) or Murshili I (according to the Low Chronology).]

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